Zero-Emission Truck Collaborative

Meeting Schedule & Materials

About the Collaborative

The transition to zero-emission drayage vehicles serving ports in the Pacific Northwest is a key step to meet zero emission trucking targets adopted in the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy while also contributing to city and state decarbonization goals. The multi-stakeholder Puget Sound Zero-Emission Truck Collaborative is developing a roadmap for transitioning to zero-emission drayage services at the Puget Sound region marine cargo terminals no later than 2050. The Collaborative will meet approximately every other month for half-day meetings between June 2023 and December 2024. Most of these meetings will be virtual but some may be in-person meetings that will include site visits and/or listening sessions. This website will be updated with relevant materials for each of these meetings.  

CharterCollaborative Members Collaborative and Roadmap Scoping Document

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Meeting Schedule and Materials

Meeting 1: June 30, 2023

The purpose of this first meeting is to introduce members of the Collaborative and create a shared understanding of project context, background, and objectives and proposed process for the Collaborative. Members will discuss and affirm Roadmap principles and Collaborative purpose, as well as the Collaborative charter and operating guidelines.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Meeting 2: August 18, 2023

During this meeting, Collaborative members will hear directly from drivers, through a moderated panel discussion, to better understand the key issues, concerns, and benefits of the transition to zero-emission trucks. Following the panel, members will utilize their broad range of perspectives to brainstorm key issues for transitioning to zero-emission drayage in the Puget Sound Region, particularly around vehicle affordability/access, charging/fueling infrastructure, equitable transition, and funding/financing. Members will learn about the upcoming process to meet in smaller groups to discuss these key issue areas and select which group(s) they’d like to join. The group will also review and provide feedback on the draft driver and community engagement strategy.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting SummaryDriver Panel Recording

Meeting 3: October 13, 2023

At this third Collaborative meeting, attendees will hear directly from community members, through a moderated panel discussion, to better understand how communities are affected by the drayage sector, as well as potential benefits and unintended consequences of the transition to zero-emission trucks. Participants will then hear updates on outreach and engagement activities for the Collaborative, in addition to updates on key Washington state policy developments related to zero-emission heavy-duty trucks. Members will discuss potential solutions, key questions, and data needs from small group Issue Teams and provide feedback on an initial roadmap outline and research agenda.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting SummarySmall Group Issue SummariesRoadmap Outline

Meeting 4: December 11, 2023

During this meeting, participants will hear about emerging business models for Zero-Emission trucks, including trucking-as-a-service, leasing, and sponsorship models; as well as the potential development of secondary markets for used trucks. Participants will discuss how different business models and secondary market development should fit into a roadmap for transitioning to zero-emission drayage in the Puget Sound region. Members will then hear quick updates on key policy development and the upcoming legislative session.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Meeting 5: January 30, 2024

During this meeting, participants will review and affirm an initial set of draft recommendations on secondary markets and ZEV business models, which came out of the December Collaborative meeting. Attendees will hear about ZEV transition funding needs and near-term state funding opportunities and discuss strategies for unlocking future investments. Collaborative members will also hear directly from utilities in the region, through a moderated panel discussion, on the key issues and needs for utility infrastructure planning and investments for drayage charging.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Truck Driver Listening Sessions: February 3 & 12, 2024

Drayage truck drivers that service the Port of Seattle and/or the Port of Tacoma were invited to attend one of two in-person sessions to learn about the Decarbonizing Drayage Roadmap project to share their ideas on how to make this transition to zero-emission trucks equitable for everyone. At these listening sessions, the Zero Emission Truck Collaborative outreach team asked participants a series of questions to better understand the opportunities and challenges of switching to zero-emission technologies.

South Harbor Truck Driver Listening Session Summary North Harbor Truck Driver Listening Session Summary

Meeting 6: March 27, 2024

Collaborative members will hear quick funding and policy updates from the recent legislative session, grant proposals, and federal initiatives related to zero-emission drayage. Participants will review and affirm an initial set of draft recommendations on utility planning and infrastructure, which came out of the January Collaborative meeting. Participants will learn about key takeaways from recent driver and community outreach, including driver listening sessions, driver survey, and community meetings. Attendees will receive an overview from Tetra Tech on their drayage characterization study, and then discuss implications of the study in small groups.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Meeting 7: April 29, 2024

During this meeting, Collaborative members will discuss best practices in ZEV vehicle incentive program design and implementation lessons learned, as well as the role of hydrogen in the ZEV transition. Participants will also review and affirm initial draft recommendations on drayage characterization and infrastructure location, which came out of the March Collaborative meeting.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Meeting 8: June 4, 2024

During this meeting, there will be a moderated panel discussion where Collaborative members will hear from dealers and OEMs on the opportunities and constraints for selling used and new zero-emission trucks, and explore solutions for providing access to these vehicles for drayage fleets and independent owner operators. Participants will then hear insights from the Act Expo about the potential role of shippers in the ZEV transition. Collaborative members will begin to scope the purpose and membership for “Collaborative 2.0” to support Roadmap implementation in 2025 and beyond. Participants will then review and affirm initial draft recommendations on vehicle incentive programs and hydrogen, which came out of the April Collaborative meeting.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Meeting 9: August 19, 2024

During this meeting, Collaborative members will discuss potential non-financial incentives for zero-emission drayage vehicles and what it would take to implement these measures at and around port terminals. Participants will also discuss the role of shippers in the ZEV transition. Participants will then discuss the process for Collaborative review and refinement of the draft Roadmap, as well as review and affirm the Collaborative’s initial thinking about the purpose of “Collaborative 2.0” following the completion of the Roadmap.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Meeting 10: October 17, 2024

During this meeting, Collaborative members will hear funding and related updates on the West Coast Truck Charging and Fueling Corridor Project, Washington vehicle incentive program, Washington Trucking Associations Intermodal Summit, and NWSA zero-emission drayage funding. Participants will also hear an overview and discuss feedback on the draft Roadmap. Collaborative members will then discuss Roadmap priorities for near-term action and next steps for finalizing and releasing the Roadmap.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary

Meeting 11: December 12, 2024

During this meeting, Collaborative members will hear funding and related updates on the West Coast Truck Charging and Fueling Corridor Project, Washington vehicle incentive program, and NWSA zero-emission drayage funding and incentive program. Participants will discuss feedback on the draft Roadmap and upcoming community and driver outreach. Collaborative members will then discuss the launch and communications of the Roadmap, as well as the proposed structure and priorities for Collaborative 2.0.

Meeting AgendaMeeting SlidesMeeting Summary


Meeting dates and materials will be posted for future meetings as they become available.

Decarbonizing Drayage: Roadmap to 2050

There is a huge gap between the vision of zero emissions by 2050 and the status quo. Success will require a carefully crafted, long-term strategy rooted in the best available data, multistakeholder collaboration, and lessons from efforts around the country. A regional roadmap will put forward recommendations for making a just and equitable transition to zero emission drayage by improving zero-emission truck availability and affordability, developing charging and fueling infrastructure, and ensuring sufficient funding and financing.

The Roadmap will:

  • Emphasize voluntary, non-regulatory, and partnership-based solutions that can achieve emissions reductions at the scale and pace needed to meet port, local, and state decarbonization goals while also ensuring the continued economic vitality of the Northwest ports gateway and region.
  • Emphasize facilitating a just and equitable transition to zero-emission trucking, with an emphasis on solutions that make zero-emission trucks affordable and available for a range of operators, large and small.
  • Be informed by consultation with near-port communities experiencing environmental health disparities and small, lower income trucking companies and independent owner/operators.
  • Be data-driven and use a learning-by-doing process, informed by regional pilots and related efforts.

The Collaborative

Achieving the vision of zero-emission drayage by 2050 will require a high degree of collaboration across a wide range of key stakeholder groups, including truck manufacturers, trucking companies and drivers, retailers, ports, marine terminal operators, local and state government agencies, utilities, charging and fueling companies, near-port communities, environmental and EJ advocates and others. The primary purpose of the Collaborative is to develop and build support for the Roadmap as a long-term strategy for decarbonizing drayage through scaled adoption of zero-emission trucks at Northwest port gateways. Members will collaborate to identify and contribute to strategies for overcoming key longer-term market, logistical, and other barriers related to drayage fleet adoption of zero-emission vehicles. Members will bring the following to the Collaborative process:

  • Committed to the success of the project and to the long-term goal of decarbonizing drayage at regional ports
  • Act as sounding boards for, and liaisons to, the sectors they represent
  • Connected to other regional efforts and positioned to learn from and make connections to related efforts
  • Reflect the diversity of stakeholders and be able to ensure solutions are equitable for drivers and communities that are under-served
  • Knowledgeable about key barriers and potential solutions
  • Committed to working together to advance collaborative solutions
  • In a position to attract state, federal, and private sector funding, and investments to help enable markets, infrastructure, and incentives to develop
  • In a position to build visibility and support in the region

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Barriers to Zero-Emission Trucks Adoption in Washington State

  • Zero-emission trucks are about eight times more expensive than what the average local drayage truck driver currently pays for their vehicle, which is typically a second or third hand diesel truck
  • The necessary charging and fueling infrastructure for zero emission trucks (both public and private) is virtually non-existent
  • Most of the drayage trucking companies serving the NWSA are small- or medium-sized businesses, many minority-owned, that are highly sensitive to changes in their cost of doing business
  • Local trucking companies lack familiarity and confidence in the new truck technologies, and are wary of potential risks to their operations, profitability, and viability
  • Given the considerable complexity, transitioning to zero-emission trucks will require a much greater degree of collaboration across stakeholders than what exists currently